Martin Oetting, Premiere 'Purpose'

Uploading my first film to a server in Iceland

Today is a big day.

I uploaded a 33 GB file to an online space that’s managed by the people at Harpa venue in Iceland. Because that is where my documentary feature film “Purpose” will have its premiere on June 11th. The file (a 1080 HD mp4) is my finished film. It will be shown for the very first time at the Wellbeing Economy Forum in Reykjavik, followed by a panel discussion with the two main protagonists of the film — Katherine Trebeck and Lorenzo Fioramonti, and the co-president of the Club of Rome, Sandrine Dixson-Declève.

It’s hard to describe what this feels like … after years of working on the film. And after eight incredibly intensive months of final revisions and then post production. It is almost impossible to overstate how much I have learned in these past weeks and months, and in the years since we began working on the film in 2018.

I am hoping that the premiere in Reykjavik will be the starting point to a new journey — the journey the film itself will now go on. It will need the support of lots people who are working towards a better economy, and who will hopefully help me organise screenings everywhere around the world. So we can get the word out: We need to have a conversation about how to change our economies. It’s the only chance we have, really, if we want to make it. And with we, I mean humanity.

If you want to stay updated about what’s going on with the film, please subscribe to the film newsletter:

Here is the film’s website:

And for my podcast ‘Express Change’, about economic systems change and art, it’s this way.