“We desperately need more and better stories about how to change our world. ‘Purpose’ provides precisely such a story — showing us what economic systems change looks like in action. Highly recommended!”

Feedback for our Film ‘Purpose’ in Iceland

I’ve been back from Iceland for over a week now, and I’m still terribly excited about the great feedback we received at the premiere of our film “Purpose”. Just check out the above quote from Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Co-President of the Club of Rome.

There are a couple more on our website: https://purpose.film

We’ll be organising screenings and access to a streaming version from September onwards. A trailer and German and Italian language versions are also in the works. Stay tuned, and do sign up for our newsletter to keep up to date: https://updates.purpose.film


One response to “Feedback for our Film ‘Purpose’ in Iceland”

  1. […] good thing is that most audiences don’t usually notice these smaller problems … so the premiere was still a success. But I knew that more work was waiting for me after my […]