The Latest Films on MOPALAB

My Latest Animation Films

In the past weeks, I have posted a few more MOPALAB films. After ‘The Meet’, which I believe to be a highlight so far, I have added:

A MOPALAB Animation Feature.

This is probably the most political (?) of my animation films to date. When making it, I did not set out with that purpose in mind. I just had this vision of someone jumping off a springboard, flying high over an LA skyline, and then coming down an actual bomb on the other side. No idea where that came from. But there is obviously a socio-political idea hidden in there — or maybe more than one.

My latest animation film is a bit of a weird one … I’m not going to say much else about it, have a look yourself:

A MOPALAB Animation Feature.

And then, for the above films I also have a couple making-ofs:

A MOPALAB procreate time lapse
A MOPALAB procreate time lapse