Category: Miscellaneous

  • Learning Adobe Audition with Mike Russell

    Learning Adobe Audition with Mike Russell

    When we started working on EXPRESS CHANGE, I soon realised that Apple’s native GarageBand software was not going to be good enough for the purposes of this project. I have done a bit of music home recording with GarageBand over the years, and it does some things very well — but it’s also terribly frustrating…

  • Charming A Crowd Into Attention

    Charming A Crowd Into Attention

    In January 24th, we had the chance to do a vollehalle gig at SID — “Stadtwerke Impact Day” in the northern German town of Lübeck (‘Stadtwerk’ is a nicely concise German term for ‘municipal energy company’. We can do short and sweet, who would’ve thought?!) SID is designed to unite forward-looking people in the municipal…

  • A Podcast Born From A YouTube Failure

    A Podcast Born From A YouTube Failure

    The origin story of ‘Express Change’ — the podcast which I am currently working on and which will launch in early spring of 2024 — began with a failed attempt at creating a YouTube channel. For quite some time, I had wanted to build a media project of my own that I could run without…

  • Dropping ‘Climate’ From Our Tagline

    Dropping ‘Climate’ From Our Tagline

    Soon after we started vollehalle, the show’s tagline became ‘the climate show that provides courage’ (sounds excessively clumsy in English, but it’s a decent slogan in German). By the time 2019 rolled around, we fit right in. The Fridays for Future movement was getting plenty of attention. Greta had become a star. Everyone was looking…

  • Hello world. Old School.

    Hello world. Old School.

    I am starting 2024 with a new website. Feels good. I haven’t had a proper home on the Internet in a while. Back in the day, when blogging was cutting edge, I was still working in marketing and had a thematic blog with an actual audience and proper debates in the comments section. So yeah,…